ATTORNNIKA® - PATENT® is a Law &Patent Office with head office in Belgrade, Serbia. The basic priority of ATTORNNIKA® - PATENT is to secure an absolute guarantee to its clients for high-level legal representing in Serbia, Republika Srpska and Montenegro. Also, ATTORNNIKA® - PATENT, when representing, considers the conflict of interests and strict discretion for its clients.

The founder of ATTORNNIKA® - ®PATENT, Nikolic Jasna, attorney-at-law, registered IP agent with the Intellectual Property Office of Serbia and judge – arbitrator of the Regular Elect Court with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, acquired the status of attorney-at-law as a law clerk while practising in the Law Office GAVRILOVIC & GAVRILOVIC from Belgrade, 302, Kralja Aleksandra Blvd., well-known for successful defenses in the area of criminal proceedings. ATTORNNIKA® - PATENT, besides being familiar with the subject matter from the area of criminal law, it is also specialized in the following areas:



Attornnika ® - Patent is very proud, because the proposal of attorney-at-law and patent attorney, Jasna Nikolic, that one should introduce the permission for audit and review as an extraordinary legal remedy in intellectual property disputes, was accepted on the occasion of enacting a new Legal Proceedings Law. An extended legal protection of the holder of intellectual property right is thereby provided.

Professional published works and lectures of attorney-at-law and patent attorney:

  • AIPPI,YEARBOOK III, The role and function of experts in patent disputes, 1998
  • Proceedings SUBOTICA (Code) Patent disputes and Judicial practice, 1998
  • YU INFO Code, Patenting of Software, 1999
  • INFO TEH Code, Experts specialized in informatics, 2001
  • INFO TEH Code, (Cyber) crime, 2002
  • YU INFO Code, Museums and audio-visual agreements, 2001
  • YU INFO Code, Audio-visual agreements, 2002
  • YU INFO Code, Marketing of patented software, 2001
  • TARA Code, Computer (Cyber) crime and intellectual property rights, 2004
  • FON, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, lecture, Patenting of Software, 2003
  • Cacak, OESC, lecture, Intellectual Property and small and medium-size enterprises on local level, 2005
  • Vlasotince, European Reconstruction Agency,lecture, Brand in the function of successful agricultural development, 2006